Our microbiomes are suffering from modern diets and stress.
The decline in bio-available foods combined with ever-increasing stress is leading to increased inflammation in our system, at a time when inflammatory diseases are becoming more common.
Inflammatory disease has been rapidly growing since the 1950s
Our goal is to help combat the negative forces impacting our microbiomes. We do this with live bacteria (not inactive probiotic powder). Our bacteria are not only live but have been researched in 3500 clinical studies collectively and proven to have positive impacts on inflammatory processes across many systems in our body.
Source: Bach JF et al Nature Rev Immunology 2017
We're here to help you fight inflammation.
Our proprietary formula combines 6 of the most beneficial bacteria strains available in the world, and our proprietary two-step fermentation process ensures maximum prebiotic and postbiotic effect to help heal and protect your body.
GI Health
A healthy gut plays an important role in limiting issues like IBS, ulcers and leaky gut. It also helps ensure the toxins you are consuming are eliminated efficiently.
Immune Health
The gut is the first line of defense against pathogens. And, ensuring healthy gut epithelia barrier function, mucus production and reducing gut permeability are all keys to improving immunity overall.
Metabolic Health
Ensuring that the ideal conditions are in place to process your food and drink is very important. A healthy gut can help manage metabolic issues associated with things like insulin and cholesterol.
Brain Health
New research and details about the gut-brain axis is published almost every day. One thing is certain, a healthy gut promotes healthy hormone production for brain function and a healthy blood brain barrier as well.
Our formula contains key ingredients that have been individually studied and shown to improve inflammation across the entire body.
Strain #1 - Investigated in more than 200 studies
This strain has been shown to reduce or improve overall inflammation in the body, as well as joint inflammation specifically. It also has been shown to improve cholesterol and either stabilize or improve diabetes markers.
Strain #2 - Investigated in more than 200 studies
This strain has been shown to improve gut dysbiosis, increase short chain fatty acids and extra polysacharides and reduce the presence of endotoxins.
Strain #3 - Investigated in more than 1000 studies
Investigated in over 1000 clinical studies, this strain has been shown to help individuals with asthma, atopic dermatitis, and food allergies. This strain has also been shown to reduce the presence of negative bacteria in the oral biome supporting overall oral health.
Strain #4 -- Investigated in more than 1000 studies
Investigated in over 1000 studies, this strain has been shown to improve immune function by increasing gut ephithelia mucus production and reducing gut permeability, while also combating diarrhea, IBD, IBD and Crohn's disease symptoms, while improving bowel movements overall.
Strain #5 - Investigated in more than 1000 studies
In addition to being shown to improve overall gut function, this strain also has been shown to increase hormone production that help brain function while also improving the blood, brain barrier function. Additionally this strain helps produce important postbiotic metabolites through fermentaiton with lactic acid, acetate, extra polysaccharides, betaglucans and butyrate all present.
Strain #6 — Investigated in more than 100 studies
This strain has been shown to support overall gut health, as well as reduced inflammation properties across the gastro intestinal system, immune functions and neurological functions.